
Mar 14, 20191 min

The Benefits Of Aloe Vera

Aloe is a great plant with many benefits inside. It’s uses for skin, hair and nails are amazing, in fact I use it for all of the above and it works wonders for me, it’s very effective in my skin care routine. Here is some information on other ways ALOE VERA is beneficial to us. 

Source of Vitamins:

Aloe Vera juice provides vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, and E. The juice is also a great source of Folic Acid and Niacin.

Aloe as a Nutritional Supplement:

Aloe Vera benefits go beyond vitamin content and antioxidants. Calcium, iron,
potassium and zinc are all found in Aloe Vera gel and juice.

Aloe as an Anti-Inflammatory:

Aloe Vera is also a natural anti-inflammatory that helps relieve inflammation without any adverse side effects

Promotes Immune System Health:

Aloe Vera has natural immune system enhancing properties, which help keep your body strong and able to fight off sickness.

Acne Treatment:

its anti-inflammatory properties provide immediate relief to painful swelling and redness

Promotes Healthy Skin:

Aloe hydrates cracked, dry skin and helps restore softness in a remarkably
gentle and non-abrasive way.

Digestive Benefits:

it has been used to treat or soothe the harsh impacts of colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and ulcers

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